
The Toronto Oratory is a community of Catholic priests and brothers who, through the ministry of prayer, preaching, and the sacraments, bring the riches of the Church’s spiritual, intellectual, and liturgical tradition to bear on the modern world. Observing the life established by St Philip Neri, we are in the city, but not of the city, working through the quiet attraction of beauty, holiness, and truth to kindle the flame of the gospel here in Toronto.

The Oratory serves two parishes in the Archdiocese of Toronto: Holy Family (since September 1979) and Saint Vincent de Paul (since July 1995). The two parishes demand much time and energy, so they are a major aspect of the Oratory’s apostolate. We provide all the services that are associated with a Catholic parish in both churches: Mass, confessions, baptisms, weddings, funerals, programs of catechesis, pastoral care of the sick and otherwise shut-in, and spiritual support of lay organizations such as the Saint Vincent de Paul Society and Legion of Mary. You can find details of these works under Catechesis & Sacraments, Apostolates & Groups, Music, and Youth Activities. But the best place to start is on the page of each parish.

Also read more about:

Our Origins: Read about St. Philip Neri and the foundation of the Oratory.

Our Idea: Learn about the different ideas and traditions that have shaped Oratories through the generations.

Our Life: Find out about the unique aspects of life and work of our own Oratory.