Teachers’ Programme
Because we have been dedicated to the intellectual formation of candidates for the priesthood since the foundation of Saint Philip’s Seminary, we have the resources to provide a parallel intellectual formation to others who are called to provide instruction in the faith. Our Oratory Theology Summer School has helped to provide such formation to teachers, RCIA instructors, home-schooling parents, and others interested in deepening their knowledge of their faith. Hundreds have come to the Oratory since we began in Summer School in the late 1980’s, and that work continues the first two weeks of July each year.
In response to the suggestion of many of the teachers who took the summer course, and in union with the Toronto Catholic Teachers’ Guild, we have been helping to provide a program of continuing education for Catholic School teachers during the school year. Starting in 2016, the program, “Called to Teach” ̶ Faith Formation for Catholic Educators, has met six times a year, with mass, an hour-long presentation, and time for refreshments and fellowship. The presentations have been both catechetical (arising from the first week of the Oratory Theology Summer School) and also concerned with apologetic topics that teachers encounter in the classroom.
Further information about the program can be obtained through the Toronto Catholic Teachers’ Guild, under whose auspices it is offered.