
Divine self-disclosure expresses itself in human language truthfully but inexhaustibly. The Scriptures, in both old and new covenants, as well as the Church’s dogmatic tradition, are privileged sites of revelation. Christian theology is concerned with sounding their depths—a venture which must call upon all the material and spiritual resources of human existence, allowing for both its temporal capacities and its limitations. Theology therefore necessarily involves not merely an intellectual appropriation of the Christian Mystery, but a fully living and embodied participation under personal and historical circumstances in the unceasing utterance of the divine Word.

So where to begin? In the Catholic tradition the theology of St Thomas Aquinas provides an indispensable point of orientation. He explicitly conceived his Summa Theologiae for beginners, and our program undertakes a reading of this text to provide students with an introduction to the major topics of theology: the Trinity, the Incarnation, Redemption, the Sacraments, and Christian praxis. Our classes in Scriptural exegesis aim to do justice to the perspectives of the historical critical method according to the faith of the Church and with a view to the pastoral and homiletic exposition of the sacred writings. In all these areas, our introduction to theology aims to provide reliable points of departure for the student’s own reading and reflection within the always unfolding Catholic tradition.

Details of the theology courses we offer can be found in our theology prospectus. You can get more information by calling the Dean Fr Paul Pearson at 416-532-2879, or by sending an e-mail to the Seminary. Download the Application Form here.