Sponsorship & How to Apply

Some kind of ecclesiastical sponsorship is necessary to enroll as a student at St Philip’s Seminary. The majority, when they enroll, are already associated with a particular diocese or religious order.

Becoming an ‘Oratory-sponsored’ seminarian, however, opens another path to enrolment, while at the same time exploring the possibility of a vocation to the Oratory itself. In this arrangement, the Oratory sponsors a student’s studies, even if he is not yet one of our novices. This is particularly suitable for anyone who is seriously interested in considering whether his vocation might lie with us, and who, while he and we discern that, wants to pursue philosophical or theological studies.

The opportunity of being an ‘Oratory-sponsored’ seminarian is assumed at the student’s own expense and carries no obligation on either side that he will necessarily join our community, either during his studies or when they are complete. The point is for the student and the community to explore a mutual interest in his vocation, by having him live in close relationship to the Oratory, while receiving intellectual and spiritual formation from us in common with other seminarians.

To explore the possibility of becoming an Oratory-sponsored seminarian, please contact the Provost of the Toronto Oratory: [email protected]

How to Apply

Once the prospective seminarian has acquired ecclesiastical sponsorship, either form his Bishop, his religious superior or from the Oratory, he may proceed to apply to the Seminary. 

Details of the philosophy courses we offer can be found in our seminary catalogue. The Map Year has its own website which introduces this unique program in greater depth. For details on theology courses, see the theology prospectusIf you want to discuss making an application to any of these programme, please call the Dean Fr Paul Pearson at 416-532-2879, or send an e-mail to the Seminary. You can download the Application Form here.