Joined and held together not by religious vows but by the demands of charity alone along the path of our founder Saint Philip Neri we are a company of priests and brothers devoted to prayer, preaching, and the sacraments and to the pastoral work and life of two urban parishes and our seminary
“St Philip lived in an age as traitorous to the interests of Catholicism as any that preceded it, or can follow it … and he perceived that the mischief was to be met, not with argument, not with science, not with protests and warnings, not by the recluse or the preacher, but by means of the great counter-fascination of purity and truth…he preferred to yield to the stream, and direct the current, which he could not stop, of science, literature, art, and fashion, and to sweeten and to sanctify what God had made very good and man had spoilt. And so he contemplated as the idea of his mission, not the propagation of the faith, nor the exposition of doctrine, nor the catechetical schools; whatever was exact and systematic pleased him not; he put from him monastic rule and authoritative speech, as David refused the armour of his king. No; he would be but an ordinary individual priest as others: and his weapons should be but unaffected humility and unpretending love.”
Saint John Henry Newman on St Philip Neri (from The Idea of a University)
Holy Family Parish
1372 King St. West Toronto, Ontario Canada, M6K 1H3
1372 King St. West Toronto, Ontario Canada, M6K 1H3
A maxim of St Philip for today
The true preparation for prayer consists in the exercise of mortification, for he who wishes to give himself up to prayer without mortification is like a bird wishing to fly before it is fledged.