St. Philip’s Day 2018: Benefactor Appreciation Reception
The Fathers and Brothers of the Oratory were delighted to be able to host about sixty of our benefactors at the Renovatio luncheon party held after the High Mass on St Philip’s Day 2018. As well as honouring benefactors to our campaign, this provided a special opportunity for bringing our friends together and sharing with them our garden and refectory.
The weather cooperated beautifully and our guests happily circulated among delicious sandwich wraps and flowing cups of wine, presided over by a whole roasted pig. We were also treated to a dramatic tableau on the Oratorian apostolate—past, present, and future—seen through the eyes of the latest Oratorian beatus, Blessed Salvio Huix Miralpeix, impersonated by Fr Michael in dialogue with Br Alexander—a charming and amusing offering which they had especially composed for the occasion.
This luncheon party was the latest in a series of events sponsored by the Renovatio campaign, and we anticipate more to come, especially as the number and range of our benefactors continues to increase.