Corpus Christi Procession 2019
Quantum potes, tantum aude:
(St. Thomas Aquinas, ‘Lauda Sion Salvatorem’, Sequence for the Mass of Corpus Christi)
Quia major omni laude,
Nec laudare sufficis
Drawing on the traditional artistry of the infiorata, a carpet of cedar, roses, chrysanthemum and fragrant herbs this year decorated the passage of the Blessed Sacrament among the people of God.

Jesus’ eucharistic gesture of self-distribution to his Apostles, and through them to the world, is a definitive, irreversible and thus eschatological gesture. The Father’s Word, made flesh, is definitively given and distributed by him and is never to be taken back…The ‘liquefying’ of Jesus’ earthly substance into that of the eucharist…lasts not only (like a ‘means’) until ‘the end of the world’, but is rather the blazing core around which…the cosmos crystallizes, or better, from which it is set ablaze.
(Hans Urs von Balthasar, ‘The Mystery of the Eucharist’, New Elucidations)