Documentary film for Father Robinson
As part of our commemoration of the first anniversary of the death of Fr Jonathan Robinson, our founder, we are delighted to make available this documentary film about his life and work.
Filming began in June of 2020, and roughly thirty hours of interview footage were filmed. Due to COVID-19 restrictions at the time, the production had to be an in-house project, so all of the equipment was scavenged from our live-streaming setup. Additional footage from alumni and friends of Father Robinson was also sent in, though much of it did not make it into the final cut of the film. The Brothers scoured through photo albums and old archives, discovering photos that even some of the other Fathers had not seen before.

The project ended up being very enriching for the Fathers and Brothers of the Oratory, and we hope that you can also gain something from the film. Please continue to pray for the Toronto Oratory, and for the repose of Father Jonathan’s soul.