Aggregation of Br Bruno Hegedüs
Br Bruno Hegedüs completed his noviciate and on the afternoon of Oct 6, the feast day of St Bruno, was incorporated as a triennial member of the Toronto Oratory.

The following is the Father’s address on the occasion.
Aggregation of Br Bruno Hegedüs (October 6, 2022)
The ceremony of Clothing a new novice has its own built-in drama—that moment when the postulant departs from the chapel, leaving behind the world of neckties, and appears in his Oratorian habit. A new life has begun—and the new Oratorian clothing is an outward sign of a new spiritual pathway. The reason for celebrating is obvious.
But what is it that we celebrate or acknowledge at Aggregation? Is it merely the end of the novitiate? We don’t really need God’s blessing on an ending, but we do for a new beginning—the beginning of what?
During the novitiate, a community tries to form novices according to the ways of the house. We looks first to see whether the candidate is open to being formed, whether he has the personal flexibility to conform himself to our ways and our work. We test his obedience, his reliability, his intellectual ability, and the suitability of his character—whether he is quasi-natus.
But, as the term ‘aggregation’ denotes, today’s ceremony celebrates Brother Bruno’s entry into the flock. Today our life, the life of the flock we call the Toronto Oratory, becomes his life. Today the work of the community becomes his work, too. Today we take responsibility for him in an enduring way—but he also takes responsibility for us. Brother Bruno commits himself to working for the good of the community and its members—because he belongs with us. This is his life and his home. And he makes this commitment to contribute whatever he can to the life of the community usque ad obitum vitae (unto death). As sons of Saint Philip, we do not take vows, but no founder has followers who are firmer in their resolve to persevere in his way of life. This firmness of purpose is what Brother will soon profess in our presence.
May God give to Brother Bruno, as a new member of our flock, the grace to pour himself out generously and joyfully in his life and work here. And may he be given the grace to persevere in the intention he makes public today.
And may this day also be a renewal of that same intention for each of us—to give ourselves however we can to the community, considering the needs of the house as our needs, too. And may all of us be given the grace of final perseverance, the grace we pray for each day in union with Saint Philip. A generous son of Saint Philip will never be disappointed. May our giving of ourselves remain generous, firm, and joyful usque ad obitum vitae.