Construction Begins

Renovatio has been progressing well, with construction of the new seminary building in full swing after the demolitions in June. Following excavation, the construction team has moved on to building up the underlying architecture, and concrete has been poured. In addition to the new building, some interior renovations are also Read more…

Demolition Underway

Now that our final permits are at last in the offing, Renovatio has moved into a new phase, commencing with the demolition of existing structures to make way for the new seminary building. Although scaffolding went up in the winter, it was not until the beginning of this month that Read more…

Candlemas 2020

Love comes suddenly to His temple, as Malachi foresees. Candlemas is the dawning of that light. The light is Christ, of Whom St John speaks: shining in a darkness that cannot overcome it. What is the temple? It is ourselves: the flesh in which He joined Himself to us, to Read more…

Clothing of Bruno Hegedüs

…He resolved to create me, such as I am…Unnumbered possible creatures, which God saw when He chose me, He left to remain in their nothingness…They might have been higher, holier, and more interesting. But there was some nameless thing about me that He preferred…It was just me, with my individual Read more…