
"If you live today" wrote Flannery O'Connor, "you breathe in nihilism." Whether "religious" or "secular", it is "the very gas you breathe." Both within and without the academy, there is an air common to deconstruction and scientism, which both might be described as species of reductionism. The dominance of these modes...

RADICAL ORTHODOXY: THEOLOGY, PHILOSOPHY, POLITICS is an online, international, peer-reviewed journal focused on exploring Christianity in the modern world in a manner that is both attentive to Christianity's classic expressions and mindful of its far-reaching ramifications for all areas of modern life. The perspective of Radical Orthodoxy is that a...

RADICAL ORTHODOXY Radical Orthodoxy began with the view that what was to be salvaged from twentieth-century theology was mainly the contribution of the nouvelle théologie and above all the work of Henri de Lubac. Most modern theology since the seventeenth century had been captive to a false grace/nature, faith/reason dualism that...