16 Jan Reflections on Theo-drama
In the opening of his Letter to the Ephesians, St Paul describes the drama that is being played out between the Persons of the Trinity and the whole of creation....
In the opening of his Letter to the Ephesians, St Paul describes the drama that is being played out between the Persons of the Trinity and the whole of creation....
Among my heroes is a Chinese statesman of the eleventh century. Gentle reader may not immediately guess that this would be the famed, or infamed, Wang An-shih, whose reputation is...
It is the day of the year when I request a special Ave of gentle reader, because it is the anniversary of my own reception into Holy Church — in...
Consider, if thou wilt, gentle reader, Engelonde, in the century of Chaucer, which was also the century of Richard Rolle, Walter Hinton, and Julian of Norwich. (The 14th.) There are two...
“I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the glory that is to be revealed to us.” St Paul is describing a transition from...