09 Aug Reflections on the Transfiguration of Christ
The Lord … made that form of His body which He shares with other men to shine with such splendour that His face was as bright as the sun, and...
The Lord … made that form of His body which He shares with other men to shine with such splendour that His face was as bright as the sun, and...
Why do you speak to them in parables? Christ’s answer to this question takes us to the heart of what He calls the secrets of the Kingdom of Heaven. But...
I thank thee, Father… that thou hast hidden these things from the wise and understanding… But what are these things? What do the wise and understanding fail to see? It is...
For many of us, at least for some of the time, there is a deep connection between sin and insecurity. When we suffer the frustration of our expectations, when we...
We do not really understand what we say to each other. The words that we share are not our own, but are given us in a language that pre-exists us,...